September Dev Talk
3D render jam 29.09 – 02.10.22.
Kickstarter journey so far and we are now so so close.
We played Embers Adrift, Fred will talk more.
This time our Vision Architect Kristjan introduces himself.
Kang Kung’s question – How Kristjan and Mihkel grew into game designers?
August Dev Talk
Kickstarter postponed.
We wrote to several game studios.
We have observed MMORPG games for decades.
This time our Narrator Jim Sharman introduces himself.
Stay tuned for yet another community question!
Our game is based on 5 core ideas: In this video we talk about “Earn while playing”.

3D Render Jam
Time: September 29 to October 2
Location: our Discord channel.
The 3D Render Jam was inspired by our team’s artists to kick-start the process of game development. As we are a bunch of enthusiasts ourselves, our resources are limited, so we came up with this jam. In exchange for participating, winners earn prizes and may be invited to join the Mortalis: Back to the Roots development team!
To get more info and participate, click here!
July Dev Talk
We continue to introduce our team members. This time we have new co-host: our Lead 3D Artist Robert Põldmaa. We cover one of the core ideas – “Contribute and be recognized”. 3D Render Jam announcement.
There is an important question for you in the end of the video.
June Dev Talk
This time, as usual, we have some news, but also our lead writer introduces himself. We cover one of our core ideas for the game – “Build the world and create its story. Your surroundings are defined by you and your actions and decisions.”
There is an important question for you in the end of the video.
May Dev Talk
This time we talk about our Kickstarter progress, a fun minigame on our website, new concept art on Instagram, and one of our core ideas for the game – equality in game.
April Dev Talk
We have a Dev Talk ready for you. We speak about:
– state of Kickstarter preparations,
– new social media channels and people we are looking for,
– core idea of the game: immersion.