RootSeed Whitepaper, Ver 3.0*

* This whitepaper is a draft and subject to revisions and modifications.

RootSeed, a token created and published by Lifelong Fund OÜ & Mortalis Game, Inc. (collaborately and separately called Mortalis Game™).


Our token is named “RootSeed” (RS).

Mortalis Game is in the process of developing an MMORPG1 titled ‘Mortalis: Back to the Roots’. We aspire to shift the prevailing notion that playing is merely a leisure activity with no tangible returns. To this end, we’ve crafted a unique ecosystem where players can earn as they play.

Here’s how the system works:

  • Every in-game item, including armor, weapons, mounts, and equipment, will be the fruit of a player’s craftsmanship. Acquiring these crafting skills demands dedicated practice and time. This ensures that top-tier items retain their value, making them sought after and easily tradable within the game, allowing players to monetize their skills via the in-game marketplace.
  • Players will be rewarded with a cryptocurrency, named RootCoin (RC), for participating in diverse in-game activities. RootCoin serves as the exclusive in-game currency and is essential for all in-game marketplace transactions.
  • Additionally, RootCoin can be converted into fiat currency. Players or investors keen on securing items from the in-game marketplace will need to acquire RootCoin, which they can then deploy for in-game purchases.
  • A specific percentage of RootCoins gathered in the game (20%) will be redirected to the Mortalis Game’s account. This collection forms the Reward Pool. Subsequently, 50% of the Reward Pool will be systematically (monthly) divided amongst RootSeed holders. Such a mechanism offers RootSeed holders a consistent and perpetual stream of RootCoins, which they can either utilize in-game or exchange for other currencies.


Within the ecosystem of “Mortalis: Back to the Roots,” the token stands pivotal, not only facilitating transactions but also stimulating proactive participation. This chapter delineates the economic structure underpinning RootSeed.

RootSeed At a Glance

Parameter Value
Minted RootSeeds600 billion
Minted Value (EUR)600 million
EUR per RootSeed0.001
Tradable RootSeeds300 billion
RootSeed Reserve300 billion
RootSeeds Burned in 20 years30%

Token Supply

600 billion RootSeeds are minted.

RootSeed Offered for Trading

300 billion RootSeeds will be made publicly accessible for acquisition via our web shop at

RootSeed Reserve

Out of all the tokens, 300 billion RootSeeds are set aside as a reserve. Mortalis Game will oversee this reserve to ensure the tokens are kept safe and used wisely. 

Examples and explanation

The main purposes of the reserve are:

  • Future Plans: It allows Mortalis Game to use tokens for different projects and partnerships in the future.
  • Market Stability: Having a stock of RootSeeds helps keep the market stable and prevents sudden price changes.

RootSeed Purchases and Wallet

All the minted tokens are kept in the wallet of Mortalis Game.

You can purchase RootSeed on our platform, after signing up in to our Survivor’s Camp at Only one account is allowed per person.

You can see all the details of your purchases and your RootSeed balance when you log into Survivor’s Camp.

We are implementing a holding period – after purchase on our platform, RootSeed is not re-sellable or transferable in any way before we list RootSeed on a cryptocurrency exchange. We will do this when at least 50% of all the tradable RootSeeds are initially sold on our platform, i.e at least 150 billion RootSeeds.

After the holding period you can transfer your RootSeeds into your own wallet.

KYC and identification rules:

  • Small Purchases (0 to 1,000 EUR): Basic KYC required, such as providing full name, email, and address. This helps verify user identity without extensive documentation.
  • Large Purchases (Above 1,000 EUR): Full KYC required, including government-issued ID, proof of address, and proof of payment method ownership. This ensures compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) regulations.
Examples and explanations

The main goal with RootSeed is to raise money for the game development. That’s why it is important to ensure market stability and avoid sharp changes in RootSeed prices. Also, we believe that keeping the RootSeed for longer period (5+ years) is most beneficial to the investors and the game development. It helps grow loyalty and with that attract new investors, that in return will increase the value of RootSeed and contribute into overall success of the project.

To do that we first keep RootSeeds in our own wallet and accessible only on our platform.

Our philosophy is that every gamer and RootSeed holder must be identified. We aim to eliminate all bots, schemes, and duplicate accounts. This is important for maintaining transparency at every level. This approach ensures equal treatment and provides the same opportunities for every gamer, user, and RootSeed holder on our platform and in our games.

Token Burning

A portion of unsold tokens in reserve will burn daily over the next 20 years, all together approx. 25% of the RootSeed Reserve.

Additionally, each RS purchase triggers a burn from reserves, with a ratio of 1:1, up to 25% of the RootSeed Reserve.

Major events like book sales, TV series royalty fees, merchandise and game package sales will trigger RS burns from reserves with value ratio of 1:1, up to 25% of the RootSeed Reserve. These activities encourage users to promote and participate in these events.

A maximum of 75% of total RS reserves will be burned, ensuring long-term value retention. When this amount of the reserves are depleted, either by burning or mining, the burning will be stopped.

Price corrections: burning will trigger daily repricing of RootSeed that is not yet initially sold on our platform.

Examples and explanations
  • Why is burning important for you? This burning process makes RootSeeds rarer and, therefore, potentially more valuable as the number available decreases.
  • Example: Every time somebody buys RS, our book, game packs, merchandise, depending on the amount of money spent, will automatically burn RS equivalent to the value of the purchase.
  • How the new price is calculated:
    • Initial total supply (S): 270 billion RootSeeds
    • Initial price (P₀): 0.001 EUR/RootSeed
    • Final price after burning (P₁): 0.1 EUR/RootSeed
    • The total price increase from burning enough RootSeeds to reach 0.1 EUR is from 0.001 EUR to 0.1 EUR, which is a 0.099 EUR increase over 270 billion RootSeeds burned.
    • Price increase per RootSeed burned≈3.67×10−13EUR/RootSeed, i.e. 0.000000000000367 EUR per RootSeed.

Transparency and Forecasting

Users can view historical RS burn rates and future bigger burning activities scheduled over 1, 3, and 5 years.

Quarterly updates will announce additional burn events.

Furthermore – all the purchases of RootSeed will be made public but anonymous. Everyone can check at all times how much RootSeed is already purchased, still on sale, burned and in reserve. The parties to the purchases will be kept anonymous.

Free Daily RS Mining

You can mine 5 RS daily (mining rate) by logging in to the Survivor’s Camp and visiting the mining section.

General mining rate decreases with the increasing number of new users, so new users will start mining with the current lower rate.

You keep your mining rate as long as you mine at least 10 times during the 30 day period. Failure to achieve this will reset your mining rate to the current general rate level, and you will be considered not an active miner.

Mining will decrease RootSeed Reserve up to 85%. When this amount is reached, either by burning or mining, the mining will be stopped and not possible anymore.

Important! You must complete the KYC process and verify your identity within 90 days to continue mining. If not, your account will be considered a bot and will be locked. You then have an additional 90 days to request an account unlock and complete the KYC process.

Referral Bonuses

You can increase your personal mining rate by inviting new users, who must complete the KYC process and verify their identity to activate the bonus for you.

You receive the bonus only on active and identified miners.

The bonus is 1 RS per new active miner.

Examples and explanations

Our philosophy is that every gamer and RootSeed holder must be identified. We aim to eliminate all bots, schemes, and duplicate accounts. This is important for maintaining transparency at every level. This approach ensures equal treatment and provides the same opportunities for every gamer, user, and RootSeed holder on our platform and in our games.

Engagement-Based Rewards

Users can earn RS by participating in polls, watching videos, playing web games and engaging with the game’s content.

Future opportunities will be introduced to enhance user knowledge and participation.

Examples and explanations

We believe that the more you know about us, the more beneficial it is for both you and us. The idea behind engagement-based rewards is to encourage your active participation in our project. We want to reward the time you spend with us.

Web Game Incentives

Playing web games on the platform rewards top scorers weekly:

  • 1st place: 300 RS
  • 2nd place: 150 RS
  • 3rd place: 100 RS
  • 4th place: 75 RS
  • 5th place: 60 RS
  • 6th place: 50 RS
  • 7th place: 40 RS
  • 8th place: 30 RS
  • 9th place: 20 RS
  • 10th place: 10 RS

Locking RS for Passive Income

Users can lock RS to generate RootCoin (RC), which provides passive income based on in-game Real Money Market demand.

You can lock only the RS that you purchased initially on our platform. Only these RS can provide you passive income.

The RS to RC conversion rate will be based on the purchase date and will be between 2.0 to 1.0. The conversion rate will decrease daily, rewarding early purchasers.

You can lock a minimum of 10% of your wallet and upgrade in 5% increments over time.

Examples and explanations

Like RootSeed, the value of RootCoin will increase over time, depending on the number of players in our game and the in-game market demand. We regulate the amount of RootCoin in circulation through different game mechanics and systems. This helps maintain the value of RootCoin. Therefore, investing in and locking RS provides a great opportunity to generate automated cash flow in the form of RootCoins that are tradable on our in-game market.



Investing in RootSeed offers unique opportunities and potential returns for investors, even considering the time it takes to reach the Real Money Market in-game. Here are the key points to consider.

Holding and Growing Value: By investing in RootSeed, you can watch your investment appreciate. RootSeed is crafted to grow in value, offering a huge potential return thanks to RS burning.

Passive RootCoin Earnings: Investors who lock their RS earn RootCoins passively. Others can earn RC through gameplay and in-game activities. These coins can be sold for real money on our in-game Real Money Market, offering a direct return on investment. The earlier you lock your RS tokens, the better passive income you get.

Burning Reserves. RootSeed is available in a limited quantity. Reserves will be burned during 20 years, making your investment grow in value over time.

Early Access: Investors with at least 1 million RootSeed get Alpha Release access (up to 10 keys), and those with at least 500,000 gain Beta Release access (up to 10 keys) to the MMORPG “Mortalis: Back to the Roots”. This offers unique gameplay and bragging rights.

Extended Utility Through Partnerships: We aim to partner with gaming platforms and sectors like e-commerce or virtual reality to accept RootCoin, amplifying its utility and demand. Also, RootCoin will be used in future content and games by Mortalis Game, broadening its market demand even more.

Extra Benefits: When Mortalis Game gets 5 million monthly subscribers, RootSeed owners will receive additional perks (to be decided later).

Exit Strategy

Listing of RootSeeds. We plan to list RootSeeds on public cryptocurrency exchanges when at least 50% of all the tradable RootSeeds are initially sold on our platform, giving investors an exit option. 

Buy-Back Program:  When Mortalis Game reaches 15 million monthly subscribers, we’ll buy back RootSeeds at 10 times the initial purchase value, if investors choose to sell. Important Note: This opportunity applies only to RootSeeds that were bought on our platform.


Note: this is only our vision. The actual items and dates in this plan are subject to change.

Period 1 will begin once we have raised at least €2,2 million. This is the amount needed to cover the expenses for Period 1.

Period 0: RootSeed will be made available for purchase. Raising funds for development.
Period 1. Tokenomics Development: RootSeed are stored and accessible on our web platform – Survivors’ Camp. The Burning System and Referral System will be developed, incl. Free Daily RS Mining, Transparency and Forecasting. Game Development: The Game ver. 0.1 is going to be developed as a single player. 
Period 2. Game Dev: The Game ver. 0.2 adds new mechanics and unique features to the game. Web development: Story access, referral system, forum, rewards etc. Tokenomics: Engagement-Based Rewards.
Period 3. Game Dev: The Game ver. 0.3 adds multiplayer elements and new core features. Web development: Survivors’ Camp marketplace for player-to-player transactions of other game-related items. Tokenomics: Locking RS for Passive Income.
Period 4. Game Dev: The Game ver 0.4 upgrades crafting, building, trading (player-to-player), gathering and exploration to the next level. Web development: Challenges and mini games in Survivors’ Camp. Tokenomics: Web Game Incentives – Earn RootSeeds while participating in challenges and other daily activities.
Period 5. Game Dev: Huge leap forward! The Game ver 1.0 – Alpha release. The whole game with most of the functionality will be ready to play. Tokenomics: The RootCoin, our in-game money and main crypto currency can be earned while play-testing. You can collect RootCoin but not exchange it for in-game items. The Reward Pool is forming. RootCoins are accumulating in the Pool. The Pool is not yet distributed among RootSeed owners.RootSeed is listed on a major cryptocurrency exchange.RootSeeds can now be transferred into your personal wallet. 
Period 6. Tokenomics: RootCoins accumulated to the Reward Pool will be distributed among the owners of RootSeed who have locked their RS.
Period 7. Game Dev: The Game ver 1.5 – Beta release. Tokenomics: In-game marketplace with most of the features will be made available. You can now start trading, selling and buying stuff for RootCoin.
Period 8. The Game will be launched.
Period 9. Real Money Market for RootCoins (not earlier than 12 months after the launch).


We will choose the blockchain technology for minting based on the most widely used options at the time of minting. Our main principles are security, transparency, and low transaction fees. The final decision on the blockchain will be made just before the minting process begins.


This section provides an overview of the legal and regulatory considerations relevant to Mortalis Game and the issuance of RootSeed tokens, particularly in the EU. It is essential for prospective participants to understand and comply with these considerations before engaging in any transactions involving the tokens.

Estonian Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU): In Estonia, operations related to cryptocurrencies, including exchanges and wallet services, are supervised by the Estonian Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU). Should Mortalis Game wish to engage in certain activities from Estonia, obtaining the appropriate licenses from the FIU is paramount.

EU’s AMLD5 Regulation: As an EU member state, Estonia has implemented the EU’s Anti Money Laundering Directive (AMLD5). This has specific implications for crypto-assets and related service providers. Mortalis Game has instituted policies in line with AMLD5 to prevent money laundering and other illicit activities.

E-Residency and Company Setup: Estonia’s unique e-residency program permits businesses to be established and managed remotely. While Mortalis Game benefits from this program, it remains committed to observing all regulations tied to e-residency and digital businesses.

Data Protection and Privacy: Committed to the utmost standards of data privacy, Mortalis Game adheres strictly to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), ensuring that participants’ data is safeguarded in line with European standards. Participants should peruse Mortalis Game’s privacy policy for a comprehensive overview of data management practices.

Participants are reminded that the legal and regulatory landscape for cryptocurrencies in Estonia and across the EU continues to evolve. Mortalis Game pledges to adapt to these changes and maintain rigorous compliance. While this section aims to give a general overview of the Estonian context, participants are urged to seek independent legal counsel to understand the specific legal implications associated with their involvement in Mortalis Game and RootSeed tokens.


Lifelong Fund OÜ, an Estonian-based legal entity playfully referred to as Lifelong Fun;D, was founded in 2020 as a game development studio dedicated to creating the MMORPG “Mortalis: Back to the Roots.” Mortalis Game, Inc., a US-based subsidiary, serves as the royalty holder and production company for our products. Together, these entities are known as Mortalis Game.

Since our founding, we’ve assembled a dedicated team of over 30 developers and advisors, all of whom have volunteered their time. Our team consists of both professionals and enthusiastic learners. For more information on our team, visit our website. We are always seeking new talent and collaboration opportunities.

Team Mortalis Game

  1. MMORPG stands for Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. It’s a very popular genre of video games. ↩︎